GraphQL extension point

graphql-ppx introduces the a GraphQL extension point in the ReasonML (or OCaml) language.

It allows you to write GraphQL definitions inside of the language and graphql-ppx takes care of the following for you:

  • Generates the data types of a GraphQL query, mutation, subscription, or fragment
  • Creates parse and serialize functions to convert a JSON data response to a fully typed Reason data structure (and the other way around)
  • Generates the data types of GraphQL variables

You define a query like this:

[%graphql {|
query ExampleQuery = {
myQuery {

This will generate the the ExampleQuery module.

When you'd like to alias the module to a different name you can do that like this:

module OtherName = [%graphql {|
query ExampleQuery = {
myQuery {

You can also have more definitions inside of the GraphQL extension point:

[%graphql {|
query ExampleQuery = {
myQuery {
query OtherQuery = {
myOtherQuery {